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Richmond Hill School

‘Our children are at the heart of everything we do.’



Magic Bubble Painting

 Nursery 2s have been making magic Bubble Chicks. We mixed in some washing up liquid into yellow paint and used an egg cutter shape to make the chicks. The paint made bubbles on the paper for us to pop. When they are dry we will add beaks, eyes and legs.

Our New Visitors

Reception have some new visitors in class, we have been discussing the life cycle of a butterfly. The children have named them Barbie, Ken, John, Rosie and Flower.

British Science Week- Light Experiment

Reception chose different objects to stick to some sugar paper, the only rule they were given was that they had to be flat. We then stuck them onto the paper before putting them up onto the window to see if the sunshine would change them. Hopefully our experiment works and we see a pattern!

Shamrocks Experiment

Nursery 2s, took part in a Science experiment. As it is St Patricks day on Sunday we made magic Shamrocks. The children painted them with bicarb and paint mixed together. They then squeezed some vinegar on top. The Shamrocks started to fizz and make bubbles. The children noticed the smell of the vinegar and used words like "fizzing" and "pop".

Growing Cress

Nursery 3s are taking part in British Science Week alongside the rest of the school. They have been doing lots of activities and experiments that focus on the theme ‘time.’ They have planted their own cress seeds, using eggs and cotton wool. We talked about the changes that would happen over time and how long we thought they might take to grow! We plan to observe these over the rest of the week!

Exploring States of Matter

The theme for British Science Week is 'Time.' The children explored in messy play shaving foam. They used their hands to squash, squeeze and make patterns in the foam. As the children explored we talked about changes we could see happening over time. The children noticed that the shaving foam was changing shape and texture. 

Rainbow Experiment

As part of St Patrick’s day and British Science Week, the Nursery 3s children have taken part in a rainbow science experiment. The children sorted and placed the skittles onto the tray. They then closely observed what was happening as the adult poured warm water over them. The children named the colours and predicted which colours would spread out the fastest and furthest. They weere able to communicate with each, take turns and work together.

Muddy Mondays - Planting Beanstalks

Nursery 3s are learning all about traditional tales. Our first story is Jack and the Beanstalk. During muddy Mondays the children listened to the story then planted their own beans. They used the trowels and spades to add soil to their pot, pushed the magic bean in and then covered in more soil. We then talked about what a bean needs to grow and the children watered their beans. We have left them outside in the sun and are so excited to see if they grow!

STEM Rainbows

The Nursery 3s children used their fine motor skills to carefully place paper along the masking tape to make rainbows in the sky!

Rainbow Walking Water

In Nursery 3s we have tried to make a rainbow, observing the changes of colours through the wet paper towel. The children were really interested in the experiment and kept coming to have a look at what was happening. Some children did notice some changes to the colours. They gave predictions on what might happen and what the colours might change when they mixed.

Rainbow Toast

Nursery 2s made Rainbow toast, the children painted different colours of milk onto their bread to create a rainbow. The children named each colour they put onto their bread. We then put it in the toaster and ate it for snack. It was delicious!

Exploring the Cold weather- Bubble experiment

Nursery 2s, put on their warm clothing and wellies and went out on the school field to explore the icy weather. First we had a run around the mile track with the year 5 children then we went up to the trees in the shade where we blew some bubbles, as they settled on the floor we watched them turn to ice. They looked very pretty. We had a climb on the climbing frame, then enjoyed a warm hot chocolate and bagel for our snack when we came inside.

Observing Nature

During muddy Monday's the Nursery 3s children created and decorated their own binoculars, ready for the Big Garden Birdwatch next week! The children used their fine motor and mark marking skills to decorate with paint sticks and chubby markers. Once finished, the children tested out their binoculars in the forest. They said they could see trees, birds and the mountains in the distance! When we were back inside we looked at some real binoculars and how they work. 

Rainbow Toast

As part of Science week the Nursery 3s children have created rainbow toast. They have looked at changes to the different ingredients when adding food colouring to the milk and explored cause and effect. They then observed the changes to the bread after it had been toasted. The children enjoyed having their rainbow toast for snack.

Testing Boats

Nursery 3's created their own boats using junk modelling materials when celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week. They then tested out how successful their boats were. Before their test, the children made predictions about whether their boat would sink or float. They tested them our in the water tray and were thrilled when every single boat was able to float!

Firework in a jar experiment

The Nursery 3s children took part in a science experiment where we created fireworks in a jar! The children checked through the equipment and resources before we started and I introduced new vocabulary such as pipette and method. They followed the method to measure out water in to a jar, then mixed together oil and food colouring. They then added the oil mixture to the water which created a firework like effect in the jar. The children discussed what was happening:

“it’s going up and down”
“It’s moving all around”
“It looks like tiny fireworks”


Autumn Jelly

The jelly some of the Nursery 3's children created yesterday using our Autumn nature hunt objects set throughout the night, so the children engaged in some messy play! They developed their communication skills by talking to their teachers and friends throughout, discussing that it felt ‘gooey’ ‘slimy’ ‘soft’ and ‘slippy.’ All of the children were able to identify the Autumn objects by name, talking about where we found them and what different Autumn colours they could see. They used vocabulary such as ‘stir’ ‘mix’ ‘mash’ and ‘scoop’ to describe the actions they were using in their play, and discussed what had happened to the jelly, stating that it was changing. Everyone impressed me with their sharing and turn taking skills also, ensuring that they were turn taking with the different tools!

Creating Autumn Jelly

During one of their muddy Mondays sessions, some of the Nursery 3's children collected lots of autumnal objects, such as berries, leaves and acorns! Some children then helped to create some jelly using these objects! They each measured the water and added it to the pan with gelatin (vegan). They predicted what might happen and suggested we should either put it in the fridge or heat it up! I told them we would heat it up on the oven but when it cools down it should form a solid, without having to go in to the fridge! The children then left the jelly overnight to see if it would set! 

Muddy Mondays

During muddy Mondays the Nursery 3s children have been exploring plants and practicing their cutting skills.
The children began by collecting leaves, discussing seasonal changes and Autumn. They gathered them together and took them into the outdoor classroom. The children then used their scissors to cut and snip, talking about parts of the leaves such as the stem. 

Muddy Mondays

During their Muddy Mondays session the Nursery 3s children explored placing their hand prints onto the trees, feeling the different textures.
The children grated chalks and added water to form a paste. They used autumn colours and talked about the seasonal changes they could observe while outside. The children then used the paint brushes to paint their hands and placed their hands onto the trees. 

Water Balloon People

In Nursery 2s we made water balloon people. The children drew their own face on them. We then had a challenge of not dropping them. The children looked after their balloons and no one dropped them. They used different ways to transport their people including in a car and the wheel barrow.. We danced, hopped, jumped and stood on one leg with them! At the end the children worked out how to pop them, we done this by throwing them at the wall. 

Messy Play Creation

The children in nursery 3's have absolutely loved the sensory experience of messy play. We added 2 ingredients together to create foam dough.
The children talked about what it felt like and what it smelt like. They used their creative minds to explore and construct.
“I’m making Elsa, it’s blue like frozen.”
“It looks like tooth paste”

"it smells like flowers,"
“It feels so soft.”
“I've made a ball.”
“It’s gone all sticky now,”
The children used their hands to squash and squeeze and develop their fine motor control.

Pasta Experiment

Nursery 2s used Pasta in the Mud Kitchen. They pretended to make food for each other by adding water to realistically make pasta. The children played in the Kitchen for a long period of time. We then decided to do an experiment. We left raw pasta in a bowl of water for the rest of the afternoon. At the end of the day we checked it. The pasta was very soft and started to change colour due to the heat outside.

Teeth Cleaning

This week in nursery 3's we are looking at dentists as part of our people who help us topic.
We done a group discussion on dentists and how important it is to clean our teeth and the reasons why. We talked about visiting the dentist and what happens during the visit. The children where all very vocal and talked about their teeth cleaning routine at home. We then done a practical learning experience of cleaning the tooth with the tooth brush and tooth paste. The children really enjoyed this.

Chick eggs

Nursery 3’s have got some eggs to incubate. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to hatch some baby chicks

Rescue the Dinosaurs

Nursery 2s noticed that the dinosaurs were stuck in Ice! They all had a feel and we talked about how they might have gotten stuck in the ice. We also had a little competition to see who could hold the ice the longest in their hand. Throughout the morning we kept checking on the ice to see if the Dinosaurs were nearly out. By Dinner time the Ice had nearly all melted and the Dinosaurs were saved. 


Our Sunflowers

Nursery 2s planted  sunflower seeds. We filled the pots half way with soil, added in couple of seeds, filled it to the top and then watered them. The following week we were shocked to find that our Sunflowers had already started to grow! We will carry on watering and looking after them.

Litter Picking

As part of our Earth day focus we have been talking about ways in which we can help save the planet. One way was by collecting litter from the ground and putting them into the bin or recycling them.
Our Nursery 2's and Nursery 3's children went on a litter picking adventure. The children had to search the local area and find the litter on the floor, the adults then picked up the litter and put them into the bin. The children then had a play at the local park.
The children listened really well and held each other’s as they walked. The children were spoken to about road safety and keeping safe.


As part of our Earth day learning the Nursery 3's children did some planting in the outdoor area. They helped the adults to pull out the old weeds, put in the flowers bombs they created previously, then cover with soil and water! They decided the plants would be good for the bees! 🐝

Earth Stones

Nursery 3's on muddy Mondays have been celebrating Earth Day.
The children used paints to decorate their stone as an Earth picture, 🌍 we talked about what the colours represent, and what ways we could help save the world. The children thought about picking up litter, recycling, feeding the animals and watering the plants.


In nursery 2s we have been taking very good care of our herbs inside and outside.


The Nursery 3's children used playdough, lollipop sticks, matchsticks and wooden dowels to create structures. They rolled the playdough into balls then used this to join their materials together. They experimented with different ways to create structures which stood up on their own.

Chopping Fruit and Vegetables

Nursery 3's continued focusing on the theme ‘connections’ during British Science Week. We thought about the connections of our food and looked at the journey of vegetables from field to fork. We also read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables.’ The children then enjoyed chopping fruits and vegetables up, carefully using the knives, which will help to develop their fine motor skills and muscle control. Some of the children enjoyed trying to foods whilst cutting. We also enjoyed the fruit and vegetable at snack time. 

Skittle Experiment

Nursery 3's enjoyed carrying out an experiment with skittles. The children helped to set the skittles into a pattern with the adults guidance. They then made predictions as to what would happen when the water was poured over the skittles. As the children observed the changes in the skittles they began to talk about what was happening.
"It’s melted" "It’s like Holi," "It’s a rainbow," "The water is sucking the colour," "It’s like an alien."

Planting Cress

Nursery 3's have been thinking about connections in nature during British Science Week. We read the book ‘The Tiny Seed’ and talked about what grows from seeds, such as flowers, fruit and vegetables. The children then planted cress seeds in egg shells. They pushed cotton wool into the egg, sprinkled in the seeds and then used the pipettes to add water. We talked about where to keep the seeds so they would grow tall and the children suggested the windowsill. The children then observed their cress seeds over the week, discussing changes that they could see happening!

Flower Experiment

During British Science Week Nursery 3's have set up a science experiment in the curiosity corner. The children helped to white flowers in different coloured water, using the same amount of food colouring for each one. The children observed the flowers and coloured water and made predictions about what might happen, they had some very interesting ideas! The children continued to observe their flowers throughout the week, talking about the changes that they could see happening and why that may be!

British Science Week

Nursery 3's have enjoyed taking part in British Science Week. During circle time the children took it in turns to answer questions about themselves, such as what is your favourite fruit and describe your hair. The children talked about the connections between themselves, such as if they had the same favourite fruit. This links to the Science topic ‘animals including humans.’

Connection to nature

Nursery 3's had a very busy muddy Mondays session during British Science Week.  The children practiced their scissor control skills and cut up the spring flowers (which also follows on from their learning on Holi, the festival of spring.) The children then observed what they could see as they cut up the flowers, using vocabulary such as stem, petal and pollen. The children also used the mark making tools to complete observational drawings of the flowers. The children looked at the different marks on the flowers and looked at the shapes of the petals etc. Once those activities were completed the children enjoyed some quiet mindfulness time. They sat really quiet and still whilst observing heir wold around them, strengthening their connection to nature.  

Flower Experiment

As it is British Science Week we have set up an experiment in Nursery 2s. We put white flowers in water with food colouring in and we will watch the flowers over a period of time to see if the flowers change colour. The children enjoyed talking about the different colours and helped me pour the water into the bottles and place the flowers in them. We talked about what we think will happen to the flowers.

Muddy Monday's - Wildflower Seed Bombs

During muddy Mondays the Nursery 3's children made their own wildflower seed bombs.
The children had to follow a recipe and mix together soil, flour and water then sprinkle in the seeds. They then had to roll the mixture into balls and place onto the tray to dry out, ready for planting the following week. The children talked about what changes might happen to their seed bombs during that time. 


Nursery 2s have been making making Potions in the mud kitchens. They used rose petals, glitter, feathers and lots of water. We practised filling, emptying, poring and mixing. We had so much fun!

Making Playdough

Nursery 2s made their very own Playdough, the children took it in turns to weigh the ingredients out and mix them up. We then had fun making bear faces with the play dough. 

Muddy Monday's - The Big Garden Birdwatch

Nursery 3's made their own bird feeders and binoculars to take part in The Big Garden Birdwatch. The children used their binoculars to have a look in the outdoor environment at the different birds. The children named a seagull, pigeon and a black bird. The children chose which tree they wanted to hang their bird feeders on. They found bird feathers in the trees and on the ground and talked about what types of bird they could be from. 

Exploring Ice

 While outside nursery 2s noticed that their were pieces of ice everywhere, in buckets and in the bowl of the outdoor kitchen which stones frozen into it. They realised that when they touched it, it was really cold. They tried different ways of breaking the ice such as throwing it on the floor and using spoons and spatulas. We discussed that all of the water that was in the buckets and bowls had frozen as the weather had been very cold.

Muddy Monday's - Exploring Ice and Frost

During Muddy Mondays Nursery 3s went outside to explore the ice and frost. They listened to the sounds they made with their feet and looked at the different patterns they could see on the trees.
The children then searched for leaves to create their own little Christmas trees. The children had to place the leaves onto their cut out tree and tuck them into the bands using their hand eye coordination and fine motor control.

Firework in a jar

Nursery 3's took part in a science experiment to create a firework in a jar. They followed the method to measure out water, mix oil and food colouring and then add all of the elements together. The children offered comments about what was happening inside the jar and what it looked it.

Muddy Monday's

During muddy Monday's the Nursery 3's children took out some leftover pumpkins and placed their around our outdoor area for wildlife to enjoy. They discussed where would be best to place the pumpkins, such as under the trees where the birds would find them and next to logs and bushes where hedgehogs might be hiding. 

Witch's Kitchen

Nursery 3's created potions in the 'Witch's Kitchen' during Halloween. They experimented with colour changing and adding bicarbonate soda to make them bubble, discussing what was happening when they did so. The children used mathematical language such as 'full' 'heavy' and 'more' throughout their play. 

Berry Painting

During Muddy Monday's the Nursery 3's children went on a berry hunt. They discussed where they might find berries and offered comments about the different berries they found. They then crushed up the berries and used them to paint!

Autumn Potions

Nursery 3s created Autumn potions! They experimented with mixing different colours together and were able to talk about the outcome!

Conker Rolling

Nursery 3s rolled conkers down guttering set at different heights to see find out which rolled the furthest. They discovered that the higher the guttering the further the conker would go.

Autumn Jelly Play

Nursery 3s explored the Autumn jelly they made with some messy play. They talked about how it had turned 'hard' (solid) overnight but that it was 'melting' again when they were playing with it. They used vocabulary such as 'squishy' 'gooey' 'slimy' and 'soft.' 

Autumn Jelly

During a nature hunt Nursery 3s children collected various nature items. They used these items to create an Autumn jelly, measuring out water and gelatin. The children discussed how the liquid might change into jelly, suggesting we either put it in an oven or the fridge!

Muddy Mondays Nature Hunt

As part of Nursery 3s theme of learning 'Autumn' the children went on an Autumn nature hunt in our outdoor area. The children searched for items on their lists and collected these as they went. They were also able to give reasons as to why some items may not be in our area, such as conkers because we have no conker trees!

Muddy Mondays

The children made lots of wonderful discoveries in nature during Muddy Monday's, such as tree sap, wild berries, acorns and apple trees! 
