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Richmond Hill School

‘Our children are at the heart of everything we do.’


Year 6

Healthy Bodies

During our Healthy Bodies science unit, we have a visit from a Carlisle United physiotherapist, who teaches us about how to look after our bodies through diet and exercise.  We also learn about how to perform CPR in an emergency situation.

Light and Shadow

As part of our Light and Shadow science topic in year six, we design and make our own periscopes, that use mirrors to reflect light, allowing us to see over and around objects.

Changing Circuits

Within our Changing Circuits topic in year six, we make predictions on what we think will happen when we adapt and change our circuits in different ways.  We then test these predictions fairly to find out the results.

Living Things and their Habitats

Within this unit, we learn to classify organisms in a variety of different ways, by identifying similarities and differences in their behaviour and appearance. We also identify, sketch and paint a living thing that we have found within our school grounds using watercolours. 

Evolution and Inheritance

We observe pictures of different organisms and identify variations within different species and discuss how these variations occur and what impact they may have. We then investigate the impact of variation using clips and beads, to represent different sized beaks and seeds, to decide how evolution and variation impacts survival chances.
