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Richmond Hill School

‘Our children are at the heart of everything we do.’


Year 2

Multi Skills

The children enjoyed James coming into school to work on a range of fitness activities. Everyone worked really hard and used a range of movement, thinking and communication skills.

Striking and Fielding

In this unit children developed their understanding of striking and fielding games, they developed their skills of throwing and catching, tracking and retrieving a ball and striking a ball. 

Active Assemblies 

Throughout the week children take part in active assemblies where they often complete guided activities focusing on different areas. Not only do we complete guided dances, we also focus on our breathing and mindfulness, to help prepare our bodies to learn. 

First Aid Day

Year 2 enjoyed a session learning all about the basics of first aid. They were taught about ‘DRS ABC’ and what each letter stood for. The children then had the opportunity to apply bandages to other children and also had a go at putting their friends in the recovery position.
