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Richmond Hill School

‘Our children are at the heart of everything we do.’


Year 4

The Life of The Buddha

Year 4 enjoy engaging in discussions about what it means to be happy and whether or not it is possible to be happy all of the time.  Pupils use role play to help understand the story of Buddha's journey to enlightenment, as well as learning about the 8-fold path and how it helps Buddhists lead a good life.  

Buddha's Teachings 

Year 4 explore whether the teachings of Buddha could make the world a better place.  We focus on Buddha's views on life changes, as well as what Buddha taught about greed and selfishness.  

Exploring Buddhism from a Buddhist's Perspective

To help support Year 4's understanding of Buddhism, pupils have the opportunity to interview a practising Buddhist.  The experience helps to secure and contextualise their understanding of Buddhist beliefs and values.  

Easter- Salvation

During the Spring term, Year 4 explore the theme of forgiveness.  We discuss contemporary news stories to help us understand why forgiveness can be difficult.  Children look at The Last Supper and discuss how Jesus was let down and whether he showed forgiveness to those who betrayed him.  
