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Our Ethos and Values

Our School Mission Statement

Our children are at the heart of everything we do.

Our School Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the primary school of choice and to be the jewel in the crown of our community. We want to be a place of excellence demonstrating high quality provision and practice.

Our School Ethos and Values Statement

We believe all our children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. This is underpinned by exciting, enriching experiences and opportunities. driven by high expectations and explicitly linked to our school values. We will celebrate all successes and achievements and value everyone's contribution to our school community.

Our Values

  • Kindness
  • Happiness
  • Respect
  • Confidence
  • Friendship
  • Honesty
  • Be safe 
  • Support

Pupils are proud of their school’s values, such as respect, kindness and honesty. Pupils show these values in their good behaviour in lessons and around the school. Pupils said that if any bullying were to occur, staff would put a stop to it straight away. OFSTED 2021

Our Aims

  • To teach our values and develop a deep understanding of how they shape us all as citizens of the future.
  • To raise aspirations and encourage pupils to reach for their dreams and goals.
  • To provide a high quality, safe, vibrant learning environment both indoors and outdoors that stimulates minds, encourages healthy lifestyles and engages pupils.
  • To have high expectations of all our pupils and encourage and support them to reach their full potential.
  • To nurture an ethos of trust, openness, and honesty where everyone is listened to, treated fairly and valued equally.

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, including children in the early years. Younger children learn to follow simple rules such as when to sit for story time, or when to tidy up. Older pupils are courteous to adults, and set a good example to younger pupils. OFSTED 2021

Our Children Will:

  • Be happy, inquisitive, well-educated individuals with firm foundations in oracy reading, writing and number.
  • Have a deep understanding of our values and be able to be reflective, thoughtful, well-rounded citizens who value honesty and forgiveness.
  • Have high self-esteem and strive to be their best.

Staff want the best for the pupils. Pupils across the school enjoy their learning. For example, children in the early years loved joining in with the story, ‘Little Rabbit Foo Foo’. Pupils in Year 6 talked excitedly about the bird boxes that they made in design technology. These activities make learning fun and memorable for pupils. Pupils achieve well. OFSTED 2021